2024 advent
The calendar that vouches for you and your well-being this season!
You'll find that being straightforward and approachable is what you'll see following along. Of course, don't forget to share your daily achievements with us over on Instagram 💓 Sharing is this season's specialty, after all 😉

Write a letter to santa
Is this childish? This is not a place for judgment; regardless of whether you believe in the gold guy, this is your opportunity to self-reflect.
Grab pen and paper—be sure to go old-school for this—and consider where you'd like your future to go.
Try to go deep and ask yourself your desires/goals/wishes regarding your friendships, relationships, career, and living situation. Are there some habits you'd like to pick up? Read more? Eat more whole foods. This is all for you to safe keep ideally in your Christmas tree... if you don't have one, then address it to Santa and tuck it into the corner of your mirror. This way you can see it daily and remind yourself of the great things coming for your life.

Go outside and search for Christmas decor
Today is quite simple... you're going to grab a friend (or a dog as I did) and go outside in search of nothing else but Christmas lights and all types of Holiday Decor!
Don't know her. Because you see, this is a walk unlike others, since you'll mindfully be taking in your surroundings and fine-tuning your eyes to see which windows have Christmas trees already or which chimney has a possible 'Welcome Santa' sign 🤷♀️
Enjoy the crisp air, try to leave the headphones at home and get into the season's spirit through gratefulness for where you are right now.

Adopt a Family
You read that right. This is the year to spread love and share with the less fortunate. Although that should happen every year, today, we are going the extra mile and sponsoring a family with whatever you can provide.
There are many opportunities to help others, so if you happen to live near a soup kitchen where you can volunteer, go for it!
Otherwise, we also have a few foundations that can really use your help:

Go around your home and tackle the annoying task of getting rid of things you no longer use or need!
This isn't the most fun activity but one your future self will definitely thank you for.
Clutter adds nothing positive to our brains and this can be a good opportunity to also help others by donating items other's might find really good use for.
Maybe start with your closet, and simply take out one pair of pants that you never wear👖

Get Baking!
It's not for everybody, and it doesn't mean it's going to be French patisserie-approved, but it doesn't mean it won't be yummy or fun!
Some of our favorite and minimal-ingredient recipes come from Minimalist Baker and range from vegan to gift-able 🎂
Get creative, and don't make it too complicated for yourself. Remember, this is an opportunity to enjoy yourself and engage in a different-from-the-norm activity 🧁


Text a silly joke
We're getting cheeky today and making someone smile.
Think of a family member or friend that would appreciate a giggle. And although we're very aware of how *eye-roll-worthy* these might be... that's a little of the point.
Take the seriousness out of today and find a goodie in one of these lists:
The Pioneer Woman's Best Christmas Jokes

Movie night
I'm a simple gal, and few things give me as much joy as knowing that this evening, I get to cozy up with my pup, popcorn, and hot chocolate and watch a comforting Christmas film.
Those are genuinely life's little gems—simple, warm, nostalgic, comfort.
For inspiration, here's a list made by one of our favorite bloggers, where you can find some of the best holiday films. However, don't limit yourself to those because if what's going to bring you the most joy is to watch Fast & Furious, a new thriller, or one of Netflix's newest hits, Meet Me Next Christmas, go for it! 🍿

Get some gifts
This advent calendar is not meant for you to spend much money, but that doesn't mean we don't care about your loved ones receiving a sweet and thoughtful gift from you.
The key is to be resourceful and creative, so think more about a meaningful gesture or experience than physical objects.
Also, this doesn't mean you have to get everyone you know a present, but pick a couple of people you'd like to celebrate. People that you want to go out of your way to thank personally. Someone you'd like to go the extra mile for because they're worth it 💗
For inspiration, the ever-lovely Clarisse has created a video with incredible ideas for every type of person in your life!

coloring pages
No, this is not only for children 😉 it's a very meditative process in which you focus on colorful within the lines.
Actually... not necessarily 🙈
Ideally, you'll be getting your hands moving and surrounding yourself with shape and color. If you're naturally gifted at making your drawings, doodles, or paintings, that's amazing. But if you don't want to use your brain much and simply color in some fun images, you know we've got your back!
From intricate home scenes, outdoorsy vibes, or more simplistic images... grab some pencils or open the PDFs on Procreate if you have an iPad 👀 and get drawing.

evening deep stretch
Straight forward and, dare we say, simple?
Sadly, we often neglect to make time for things that benefit us and overlook stretching.
Caring for our bodies goes hand in hand with caring for our minds. Even though we exercise daily and eat nourishing, balanced meals, we often need to remember to keep movement varied and work on our flexibility.
After all, being flexible with life's curveballs is essential to remaining sane in this day and age 😂 so why not apply some of that compassion to our bones and muscles?
Plus, it'll set you up for some excellent, deep rest when you end your evening with a yummy flow.
Some of our favorites instructors are Kassandra, Charlie and Adriene 🧘♀️


Make a Christmas playlist
A simple yet significant task... as Christmas day nears and the first week of December has come and gone, we must get ourselves very much INTO the spirit. Which means... Mariah is very much coming out, and today we're curating our playlists with everything from classics to personal favorites 🎶 I highly recommend looking up Charlie Brown's Christmas Albums as a personal fave wink 😉
vision board time
Today, we're diving into millennial territory but in a perfect way. Now, before you think this is only for aesthetics and has no deep meaning, let me tell you that I have also doubted the potential of a good visual layout of your goals and dreams... however, it's been proven to be an excellent exercise for clarifying goals since it helps you think through and analyze where you want your future to head towards.
On the other hand, it also increases motivation; it's a fun and stimulating way to be creative, reducing overall stress AND growing motivation. So why the heck not do it?
The best part is that you can print only a few photos to make your board. You can quickly scroll through Pinterest or Google images and save the ones depicting the home you'd like in the future, your hobbies, dreams, etc. Then, put them together in a document and keep them as wallpaper. Or, if you do want to print it, then go for it! Cut our magazines to add your collage and make it extra dynamic. The possibilities are endless!

Dinner with Friends
Listen, we're very aware that you might be cheating on the format of this advent calendar and looking ahead through the days. Actually, I am kidding since it's part of what's expected when there aren't any little doors to open daily 😂 so, in that case... hopefully, you can manage to schedule yourself in a way that allows for a dinner with friends tonight 🙈
That's it! Grab a pal or more and grab something yummy together. If you can't do dinner, then do brunch or lunch! Or even midday sneaky work break coffee 🤫 The idea is to get together over some food with people you like spending time with ☕️

Surprise a local worker
This will take some outgoing energy to come into play today, but we believe in you! The good thing is that this can be comfortable if you pick someone you tend to frequent. A not-so-complicated approach could be to get a box of chocolates or some flowers to the supermarket clerk you see often and have hopefully already thrown a smile or a few 'good mornings' to previously. You could also get something for your local postman or street cleaner. Back when I lived in Amsterdam, I would see the same park rangers/security guards on my morning walks with my dog, so I would try to get them some sweets or a coffee today 🌳

holiday galavanting
Time to get scouting and engage in some local fun!
Keep it simple, however. If you live near an accessible ice skating rink, you can hopefully carve out some time to go gliding today. If a concert, museum exhibit, or special matinee is also reachable and won't break the bank, that's your opportunity!
Personally, this depends on where you live, and sometimes, for folks in warmer climates, some stereotypical winter activities won't be easy to find, so it's valid to watch a good holiday film or visit a mall to have a look at all the lights 🎅
Reading Night
Not everyone likes to read, but knowing a few classics is a universal experience. Today, you are highly encouraged to dig through and find a good story to read.

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Pillow fort
You heard that right!
We're grabbing all the pillows and blankets we can find and crawling back into our childhood dreams by building a fort in the living room 🛋️
Get cozy, make yourself some hot chocolate, and make it pleasant with some twinkle lights and some good tunes (cue the seasonal playlist we made a few days ago 😉)
For those making a fort solo, please remember that you can also be your best friend, and the goal behind every day of this advent is to care for yourself mentally, love yourself, and enjoy your own company. You are stupendous, and I hope you know that 💓

Call a friend
Ideally, someone you last heard from a while ago, someone that maybe lives further away and you don't get to see often. Perhaps even a family member you haven't caught up with for some time. It's always nice to reconnect with people you care about and hear about what's been happening with them. It shows you care and can be uplifting to chat with a loved one.

Decorate cookies
We're nearing the last week until Christmas, and it's only fair to start a gingerbread house. However, only a few of us can quickly get a dummy kit or cannot build one from scratch. If you do, seriously help us and show us your creations on social media!! But another more approachable option is to bake some cookies for decorating. So grab a few friends and get cooking!
Another option is to buy ready-made cookies and decorating items such as frosting and gummies so you can re-make store-bought items into holiday pieces of art 😉
Grab some pen and paper, friends, because tonight, right before bed, you will list at least five things you are grateful for.
At least the pillow where you'll be resting your head as you sleep is already one thing to be incredibly thankful for, so I know you will have many more to add to the list 🤗

Get yourself a gift
The weekend is here, and we are treating ourselves today!
It's time to get what you've been eyeing and show love to the most crucial person in your life 😉 aka yourself!
This doesn't mean you need to make a significant expense, but if you've been craving a particular meal out, then it's the day to get it! If you've been eyeing a specific coat, buy it, wrap it up, and put it under your tree!
It's important to give to yourself what you'd give others, so why not get that box of chocolates you'd give your mom for her birthday? 🍫

random act of kindness
Grab a coffee for the person in the queue behind you; tape some change to a vending machine so that someone else can get a threat; bring an umbrella for someone in need... go out of your way to make someone else's day extra special.

educate yourself
Sometimes, we get too caught up in our troubles or occupations to open up to learning about other people's experiences. And although it's good to care for and focus on ourselves, it's also essential to know about the rest of the world, and sometimes... this becomes an opportunity to become more grateful for what we have. At the very least, you'll enjoy yourself and hopefully find it very entertaining to discover how other people spend the holidays and open up your brains to the rest of the world 🌎
Find an excellent list here and let us know what you found fun 😉

Thank you card
Merry Christmas Eve! The most wonderful time of the year has arrived, and it's time to be extra grateful—and show it!
Grab pen and paper (for the last time on this calendar 🙈) and write a thank you note to someone special in your life. Someone you often receive help from in any way. Maybe someone who encourages you when you're down. And don't limit yourself to one; we don't want to put too much pressure on your time, but hopefully, you have more individuals that come up. There are always people who have thrown a smile our way that we can be thankful for, so get writing ✍️ And enjoy your evening with some good food and even better company 🎄

Head outside
Merry Christmas, and congratulations on finishing this advent calendar!
As it's tradition to open presents, spend time with family and loved ones, and live a slower life today, we encourage you to bring the people you're spending time with and take them on a slow and cozy walk. Grab a coffee to warm your hands, and head to your nearest park. Breathe in the fresh air, look at some ducks or geese if they're around, and appreciate the nature around you.
This is your invitation to return to the beginning of this calendar when we mindfully took a walk in search of seasonal decorations and take another spin on it.
We've made it a long way together, and there's nothing like paying attention to what's around you and being thankful 😌